
September 6, 2008

10 Secrets of Japanese's Success

  1. Hardworking; It has not been public secret that Japanese...\
  2. Shy; Harakiri is the way if they do a mistake that will make their family will be shy.
  3. Economical life; They do what should do
  4. Loyality; They loyal with their commitment.
  5. Innovation; As we know, They are not finder, but with their skill they develop what they have.
  6. Not to yield an inch; They will never stop until they can
  7. Reading Custom; Smart people absolutely close with book
  8. Teamwork.
  9. Independent; We don't depend our selves on other people
  10. Keep the custom; Each people or nation have own custom. Keep it, but with note it's right and can make some advantages.

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

No wonder Japanese are damn GOOD!

The Diary said...

jepang emang kemajuannya pesat setelah di bom aja bisa langsung bangkit :)