Recently, there are so many website that spoil us to update our activity, its name microblogging. Maybe I can mention some, such as Plurk, Twitter, Jaiku, etc. We can update them by using in one time. At this time I will give u tutorial to update using Instant Messenger, yahoo messenger. As you know can be updated by using sms, but my friend, Alamster has written the way at this blog.
1. Absolutely, you have registered at (i will not explain it, you can see at Alamster's Blog)
2. Set up your plurk and your twitter at Ping.
3. Go to Service/Tools, choose Yahoo Messenger. Click it, directly you will get your verification code like the sample below
4. Add your Yahoo Messenger, add bot of Its user is pingdotfm.
5. After this send your verification code to pingdotfm.
6. So you can update your microblogging with Y!M, just chat with pingdotfm
As you know if we use it, it will make us be economic, especially if you use provider like Starone, IM3, AXIS. Happy Narcism!!
1 comment(s):
Well... although there were some mistakes in the way you use your english, but it's okay-lah :)
his name also learning (namanya juga belajar) :D
Nice blog!
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